HomeCampaign ManagerNew Mexico State Report FAQsHow Do I E-File My New Mexico Report?

83.1. How Do I E-File My New Mexico Report?

Campaign Manager offers a complete and "ready to import" xlsx transaction file for the New Mexico State Report!

How Do I Download the Transaction File?


New Mexico does not currently allow third-party vendors to e-file directly into their system from other software products. That said, all you need to do after generating the report from the Compliance menu is click the E-File Report link to download and save it to your computer, then import it into the state's system! 




How Do I Upload the E-File I Just Downloaded?

Before you're given the ability to file ANY reports, your committee will first need be registered with the New Mexico Campaign Finance Information System (CFIS). The CFIS program can be accessed via their online portal once a committee has registered.  Access to the online portal is available on New Mexico's Secretary of State website, under the Candidates, Lobbyists, Political Committees section:




From the Dashboard Navigational Menu, click on the Import Manager option. The Import
Manager Screen will be displayed.


To upload a new file:

  1. click on the IMPORT FILE action link from the Import Manager. The Import
    File dialog will be displayed.
  2. click the Select File field to browse and select the file you wish to upload. 
  3. enter a meaningful description. This is intended to help you distinguish between multiple upload
    files in your Import Manager list.
  4. click the button to upload the file and start the import process.
  5. the file will be uploaded and validated for correct format and data.
  6. while a file is being uploaded, the status is shown as Queued. The upload may take a few
    minutes to be completed. Click the Refresh link to have the status on the screen updated.
  7. once the upload is complete, the status is set to Pending.
  8. click the Review link in the action menu to see the results of the upload process.
  9. you have the choice to either accept or reject the upload.
    • to keep the uploaded transactions, click the Accept link. All transactions that passed the
      validation will be added to the system.
    • click the Reject link to cancel the upload process. No transactions will be added.
  10. once an upload has been accepted, it can still be reversed, if needed.
    • click Reverse in the action menu.
    • this will remove any transactions that were added in that upload, as long as they are
      not filed. Any transaction that is filed will be bypassed by the Reverse action and left in

For further review of your transactions and to complete the actual filing of your report, please proceed to section 4.5 of this instruction manual provided by the NM State site: https://www.sos.state.nm.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/CFIS-User-Guide.pdf


General Warnings

We advise clients to never open the efile output before uploading unless it's strictly necessary. Often times various programs like Excel, Notepad, etc, will auto-format files in ways that renders them non-compliant with state requirements. For example, Excel will drop the leading zeros on values in cells, which can be problematic when dealing with zip codes.


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