HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3L Compliance FAQsI Have Both an Intermediary and a Soft-Allocation Saved to a Contribution - Why Does This Not Pull to My Form 3L?

26.2. I Have Both an Intermediary and a Soft-Allocation Saved to a Contribution - Why Does This Not Pull to My Form 3L?

To to pull correctly, they must have:

1)  Contribution saved to the individual record

2)  From the individual contribution, an Intermediary link to the PAC record

3)  From the individual contribution, a Soft-Allocation link to the PAC record

If you have entered both an "Intermediary" and a "Soft-Allocation" on a contribution and need this contribution to show on your FEC Form 3L report, there are just a couple more steps to accomplish this:

1) Open the committee record that you've entered as the "Soft-Allocation" on your contribution

2) Scroll down, click "Show Custom Fields", and check the box next to the "Lobbyist Org" field

3) Click the "Save" button to save the committee record

4) Go to Reports > Standard Reports and select the report called "Update transactions earmarked through lobbyist PACS"

5) Enter a date range that encompasses the contribution(s) you need to appear on your FEC Form 3L report

6) Click the "Generate" button


Running this standard report for any FEC Form 3L contributions that have both an "Intermediary" and a "Soft-Allocation" is a required step!

We suggest running this standard report shortly before running either the Form 3 or Form 3L. Clicking "Generate" will cause the transactions to show properly on both reports!

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