HomeCampaign ManagerOnline Donation PagesHow do I import the donations submitted on my online donation page?

7.2. How do I import the donations submitted on my online donation page?

The Import Queue is used to import donations that are submitted through the Online Donation page.

If there are records to be imported, you will be met with a list recent donations in the Import Queue.

The numbered items below are found in Import Queue.


1. Merge with Matching Record: Lets the user merge recent donation if a matching record exists in the database.

2. Import as New Record: Lets the user to import the recent donation is there are no matching records in the database.

3. Delete/Do Not Import: Lets the user delete the transaction from the Import Queue.

4. Resolve Later: Lets the user leave that recent donation in the Import Queue.

5. Amount: The amount of the donation. 

6. Donors Information: Shows the user the donor's contact information. This information is populated from the Online Donation page.

7. Donation Date: The date the donation was made.

8. Record Search: If there the system shows no match, this allows the user to double the check the database by searching for the donor's name. If no match is found after searching, Import as New Record will be used.

9. Matching Record: If there is matching record in the database it will be displayed to the right of the recent donation.

10. Mark as Thanked: When this box is checked the records will be automatically marked as thanked when imported.  *Note: A thank you letter will not be sent. The record will only be marked as thanked.*

11. Print: Lets the user print the recent donations in the Import Queue.

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