HomeCampaign ManagerMinnesota State ReportMN - Schedule B3 IND - Independent Expenditures

65.9. MN - Schedule B3 IND - Independent Expenditures


1. Name of Candidate Affected


2. Office Sought


3. Candidate Reg. #


4. Date of Expenditure


5. Candidate Expenditure is (For or Against?)


6. Name and Address of Vendor Paid


7. Specific Purpose of Expenditure


8. Cash Expenditure


9. In-Kind Expenditure



NOTE: One other piece of data entry must be completed before the candidate ID will appear for the independent expenditure. The candidate profile must be linked to the candidate's committee record. Please review our helpfile here on how to link candidates to their committees: https://aristotle.helpspot.com/admin?pg=kb.page&page=801


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