HomeCampaign ManagerNew York State Report (Disclosure Statement)New York: Reporting Transactions on Schedule O

84.17. New York: Reporting Transactions on Schedule O

Schedule O on the New York State Report records Partners. Below will show the fields that pull to the report as well as the partnership organization that is connected to the Individuals. 


1 - Name and address of the Partnership. This organization can be searched using the search tool to edit the information of the record.

2 - Amount of the partnership contribution. You can open the transaction from the organization record to edit the amount/date of the transaction. 

3 - Partner Name. This is the individual that is connected to the Organization name. To get to this information from the organization you will have to open up the transaction and use Linking>JFC/Partnership tab to see the individuals. Here you can add a new partner or edit current partners. 

4 - Amount of the memo the individual has linked to the partnership. This information can be found by searching the individual record and opening up the transaction tab, or it can be found by opening up the partnership parent transaction and using the Linking>JFC tab. 



Contractor entries:

For Contractors, the primary contractor should be entered as an expense with the CONSL reporting code. 

Any subcontractors associated with the expense should be entered as sub-vendors on the primary contractor's expense.

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