HomeCampaign ManagerNew York State Report (Disclosure Statement)Cover Page

84.1. Cover Page

Here is what the Cover page will look like when generating the NY State Report. Fields are pulled from the criteria page as well as records in the database. 



1 - Name and address of the Filing Committee. The Record name, address can be changed by using the search tool to find the name in the database. 

2 - Criteria of the report. Information comes from the parameters before generating the report. Filer ID can be found when searching for the committee. 

3 - Treasures First and last / Authorized committee. This can be found in the connection tabs of the committee. It will pull the treasures first and last name. Also if the committee is authorized by the candidate this box will check "yes". 

4 - Statement the report is being filed by. The statement type can be changed when looking at the parameters when generating the report. Selectable options like Candidate, Political Committee, Party Committee, etc. 

5 - Type of report. - This information comes from the parameter page when generating the report. 





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