HomeCampaign ManagerVirginia State Report78.7. VA - Schedule E

99.7. 78.7. VA - Schedule E

78.7. How to Complete Schedule E

This help documentation will show the data entry required to populate all sections of Schedule E on the VA State Report. The items below are populated using fields on the records of the lender and the guarantor.

1 - Name of Lender

2 - Primary Address of Lender

3 - Name of Guarantor

4 - Primary Address of Guarantor

5 - Date of Loan

6 - Amount of Loan This Period





In order to get the guarantor information to pull correctly the guarantor must be entered as a guarantor on the loan itself. To do this edit the loan and click on Linking > Loan Guarantor.



Then fill in the appropriate information in the Guarantor, Amount of Guarantee, and Date fields and click "Add". 

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