HomeCampaign ManagerAlabama State Report22.4 Form 4: Receipts from Other Sources

28.4. 22.4 Form 4: Receipts from Other Sources

Form 4: Receipts from Other Sources

This portion of the Al state report includes other forms of receipts that the campaign/committee can receive, but is not a direct contribution or in-kind. Other sources can include but is not limited to: interest from loans made, loans received, misc. income. To know for sure if a receipt should be reported on this line, please consult with your compliance analyst. To perform the data entry, select the appropriate transaction type and enter the following:

1. Name of contributor/Source of the receipt.
2. Amount of receipt.
3. Date of receipt.
4. Guarantors: populating this column is only necessary if the receipt is a loan. In the data entry, click the Linking tab and select Loan Guarantor. On this tab, search for the record who will serve as Guarantor, enter the amount and date of the guarantee, and then click Add. That record's info will now pull to the Guarantor column.


Note: This line also includes any expenses that were refunded. Above you'll see that the Reversal button must be pressed to indicate that this expense came back to the campaign/committee as a refund.

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