HomeCampaign ManagerAlabama State Report22.2 Form 2: Contributions

28.2. 22.2 Form 2: Contributions

Form 2: Cash Contribution

This portion of the AL state report includes all monetary contributions received by the campaign/committee. Below is the data entry for a standard contribution, as well as how it will pull to the report. To perform the data entry, create a new Contribution entry and enter the following:

1. Name of contributor.
2. Amount of contribution.
3. Date of contribution.

Note: the Source of Contribution column refers to what type of entity gave the contribution: an organization, individual, PAC, etc. This section will be marked based on what type of record the contributor is saved as in CM - AL Business is saved in CM as an organization, so the "Business or Corporation" column is marked for that record's contribution.


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