HomeCampaign ManagerIRS Compliance ReportingIRS 1099 - How to Populate the "Tax ID#" Column?

106.1. IRS 1099 - How to Populate the "Tax ID#" Column?

To enter the "Tax ID#" for your individual records, you will need to open each record and locate the "Custom Fields" section at the bottom. Click the hyperlink that says "Show Fields" and you'll see the "Tax ID" field there. Fill in the appropriate info and click "Save".

To enter "Tax ID" for organization records, just open each record and click the pencil icon to edit the "Basic Information" section. Inside that section you'll see the "Tax ID" field at the bottom. Fill in the appropriate info and click "Save".

Once you've entered a "Tax ID" for an individual or organization record, you can go to Compliance > Government Reports > IRS 1099 Report and generate it. The efile you receive will have the "Tax ID#" column populated with whatever you entered into those fields.

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