HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 2 ComplianceHow to Complete the Form 2

20.1. How to Complete the Form 2

How to Complete the Form 2

This help file will show the data entry required to populate all sections on the FEC Form 2 Statement of  Candidacy in Campaign Manager.

The numbered items below are populated using fields on the candidate's record or on the record of the appropriate committee. The lettered items are populated using fields on the Form 2 criteria page.



Fields 1-6 are populated from the Candidate's record. 


1 - Candidate Name

2 - Candidate Address

3 - Candidate FEC ID Number

4 - Candidate Party Affiliation

5 - Candidate Office Sought

6 - Candidate State and District



Fields 7-8 are populated from the record of the committee to which the above candidate is connected as candidate. For instructions on how to connect a candidate to a committee click here.


7 - Principal Campaign Committee Name

8 - Principal Campaign Committee Address




Fields 9-10 are populated from the record of every committee which is connected to the principal campaign committee as either an "Authorized Committee" or as a "Joint Fundraising REP". For instructions on how to connect committees click here.


9 -  Authorized Committee Name

10 - Authorized Committee Address




Fields A-C are populated from the criteria page for the Form 2.


A - Change of Address

B - New or Amended Filing

C - Election Date





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