HomeCampaign ManagerCalifornia State Report FAQsHow To File My CA Report To Netfile

39.2. How To File My CA Report To Netfile

To submit an e-filing by uploading a CAL file to Netfile you need:

1.    Filer ID - The Filer ID for the NetFile account.

2.    Filer Password - The password associated with the Filer ID.

3.    Response E-Mail - The e-mail address you want to use to receive status about the CAL upload.

4.    CAL File - A valid CAL file.

5.    Amendment Information - When you are uploading a CAL file that is amending a previous filing you may override the values in the CAL file by entering the following:

6.    Amendment Number - The system requires an amendment sequence number. If the CAL file you are uploading is the first amendment of the original filing, the amendment number is "1". Increase the amendment number with each subsequent amendment.

7.    Superceded Filing ID - The system requires the Filing ID of the filing you are amending. See the agency's public site to find the Filing ID for the filing you are amending.

Netfile filers usually need to enter a Netfile ID in the Signature ID field in the report criteria after selecting the report signer.

More information on this ID is here: https://netfile.com/Filer/Content/docs/CAL_Upload_SignatureVerification.pdf

Go here to enter the information and upload the .cal file:  https://netfile.com/Filer/Vendor/Api/v10/UploadCal

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