HomeCampaign ManagerFrequently Asked Questions!Why are my PDFs not auto-downloading?

1.10. Why are my PDFs not auto-downloading?

When using Google Chrome

Google Chrome is automatically set to view PDF within the browser window.

File names in Campaign Manager are always the exact same every time, and if Chrome already finds that file name in your downloads folder it will just append a (1), (2), (3), etc. on the end of the file name. When this gets to 100, Chrome will force you to rename it because the auto-incrementing naming scheme stops at 99.

To resolve this, go into your downloads folder and delete all the old copies of the file you are trying to download. Then attempt to download it again and it typically will auto-download.


When using Firefox

To set the way PDF are handled in Firefox, go to Tools >>> Options >>> Applications and set PDF to "Preview in Firefox".


When using Edge

To view PDF in Microsoft Edge, you must either download the Adobe Reader extension or change your Windows 10 settings to always open PDF in Edge. Note that this will apply to all PDF, not just those created by Campaign Manager.

Reader in Edge:

Windows 10 Default PDF Viewer:


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