HomeCampaign ManagerForm 3 Compliance FAQsFEC Guidelines pg. 99 - How to enter non-travel advances made and reimbursed in different reporting periods

23.4. FEC Guidelines pg. 99 - How to enter non-travel advances made and reimbursed in different reporting periods

Here is a link to the FEC's guidelines on this topic (document pg. 99):


Report the reimbursement, once made, as an operating expenditure and, if reimbursements to that person exceed $200 in the election cycle, itemize it on Schedule B (with a cross-reference to the memo entry on Schedule A for the advance—if the advance was itemized). See AO 1992-01.

As mentioned above, if an individual's payment on behalf of the committee exceeds $200 in an election cycle to any single vendor, then the committee must identify the ultimate payee (the vendor) in a separate memo entry on Schedule B.

To enter this in Campaign Manager you will need to do the following:

1) Enter a memo contribution transaction which will itemize on Schedule A

2) Enter an unpaid bill transaction which will itemize on Schedule D

3) On the unpaid bill transaction, select "Linking > Unpaid Bill History" and add a repayment to pay down the debt

4) On the unpaid bill transaction, select "Linking > Sub-Vendor" and add a sub-vendor memo which will pull as a memo on Schedule B with the bill payment

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