HomeCampaign ManagerFinancial - FunctionsReconciliation

11.7. Reconciliation

Before reconciling an account in Campaign Manager it is necessary to make sure all relevant contributions have been deposited.


1. Go to FinancialReconciliation and select the Bank Account to be reconciled. Fill in the Statement Date and Statement Balance as they appear on the bank statement. then click Find Transactions.



This will take you to the reconciliation screen. The reconciliation screen has two sections, the Records section on the left and the Info section on the right. The Records section displays everything that was deposited on or before the selected Statement Date that have not yet been reconciled as well as all expenses on or before the selected Statement Date that have not yet been reconciled. There is an option to display these deposits and expenses either as separate lists or as one combined list. The Info section displays information about the current reconciliation. 



2. Choose which transactions to include in the reconciliation by selecting them from the Records section. Each time a record is selected it will change the difference. When this difference is at $0 the reconciliation is complete and you can click on the "Reconcile" button to finalize the reconciliation. 



It is important to note that once a reconciliation is finalized it cannot be opened again. If a record of each reconciliation is needed it is important to print the reconciliation before finalizing it. 


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