Tag: Form 3X

Knowledge Book Matches

Form 3X - Creating Accounts for Federal and Non-Federal Money
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 11: Contributions (other than loans)
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 12: Transfers from Affiliated/Other Party Committees
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 13: All Loans Received
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 14: Loan Repayments Received
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 15: Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc.)
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 16: Refunds of Contributions Made to Federal Candidates & Other Political Committees
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 17: Other Federal Receipts (Dividends, Interest, etc.)
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 18: Transfers from Levin Funds
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 18a: Transfers from Non-Federal Accounts (Schedule H3)
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 21a: Operating Expenditures - Joint Activity
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 23: Contributions to Federal Candidates/Committees & Other Political Committees
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 24: Independent Expenditures (use Schedule E)*
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 26: Loan Repayments Made*
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 27: Loans Made*
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 28: Refunds of Contributions To: (28a, 28b, and 28c)
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Line 29: Other Disbursements*
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Reportable Fields in Contributions
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Reportable Fields in Expenses
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Reportable Fields in Individual Records
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Reportable Fields in Organization/Committee Records
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Reporting Transactions on Line 10 (Schedule D)*
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Reporting Transactions on Line 9 (Schedule D)*
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Schedule B Reporting Descriptions
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Schedule C*
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Schedule H4
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Schedule H5
Campaign Manager
Form 3X - Schedules H1 and H2
Campaign Manager